Partnering with Gydme

You help your clients grow their brands and bottom lines. So, we designed an innovative, scalable platform to help you grow yours. Partnering with Gydme allows healthcare communications agencies to capitalize on its patient counselling platform.


Partnership has its benefits

  • Build your digital reputation and stand out from the competition with an innovative solution.
  • Earn revenue through a new channel, and access greater cross-selling opportunities.
  • Drive your customers’ digital transformation and align with their goals and objectives.

How do we work together?

  • 1

    You search for gyd opportunities within your brand portfolio.

  • 2

    Connect with your Gydme rep to collaborate on a sales demo.

  • 3

    Your team develops the patient counselling content and we convert the materials into a digital gyd.

  • 4

    You train and onboard your customer (Gydme will assist as needed).

  • 5

    When ready, we publish the gyd and start the renewal period.

Calculate the cost to build, publish and license a gyd for one year.

  • Read more about the difference between public and private portals here.
  • $ 0.00 CAD

Fill out this form to dowload our full price sheet.


Some of our commonly asked questions

How is a gyd created?

Gydme provides content requirements to brands and communication agencies who wish to create content for our platform. This will help ensure that any new content created will be aligned with our unique presentation format.  Gydme will build out the content and place it on the platform for HCP’s to access and begin their gyded counselling journey. Typically, once approved content is provided , the process of adding a new gyd to the platform will take 3-4 weeks. 

Is a gyd meant to replace the need for HCP counselling?

Absolutely not! We designed gydme to improve the patient counselling experience by offering a shared digital presentation platform. Healthcare professionals see guided content outlining key medication topics, while the patient sees a tailored experience with simplified content and visuals. All of this is designed to enhance the patient counselling experience with an HCP, not replace it.

Can the information reviewed during the presentation be accessed or shared after the session ends?

No, the invite includes a one-time-use URL that links to the session. Once the session ends, all session data is erased from the platform.

Are there therapeutic areas that would benefit most from digital patient counselling?

Yes, gydme is ideally suited for rare diseases where counselling is a crucial part of the patient journey. Comprehending prescription drug information is difficult for patients, especially with specialty medications, rare diseases, and orphan drugs. Gydme fills a gap in patient counselling by offering a shared digital presentation platform. Healthcare professionals see guided content outlining key medication topics, while the patient sees a tailored experience with simplified content & visuals. 

See gydme in action

gydme g turq

41 King William St, Suite 300,
Hamilton, ON L8R 1A2